Liturgical Texts

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April 28, 2024

Palm Sunday
Entrance of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem



On this day in the Holy Orthodox Church, the Sunday of Palms, we celebrate the radiant and glorious festival of the Entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

He Who stretcheth out the firmament and sat on the foal,
Seeketh to release mortals from un-reason.

Jesus came to Bethany on the Sunday falling before the six days of the Mosaic Passover. On the following day He sent two of His Disciples, who brought Him a donkey on which He sat to enter the city. And when the great multitude heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they immediately took palm branches in their hands and went out to meet Him. All cried, “Hosanna! Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord, King of Israel!” The branches of palm trees were a symbol of Christ’s victory over Satan and Death. And the meaning of “Hosanna” is, “We pray Thee, save.” The donkey’s colt, which was still an untamed animal, and impure according to the law, as well as Christ’s sitting thereon, symbolize the former savagery and impurity of the Gentiles; and their subsequent taming and obedience to the holy law of the Gospel.

By Thine ineffable compassion, O Christ our God, make us victors over the irrational passions, and make us worthy to see Thy tangible victory over death, Thy radiant and life-
bearing Resurrection, and have mercy on us. Amen.

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